Pt 1: John the Baptist

August 12, 2023

Series: Why Me?

The question has crossed our minds time and time again as we observe and experience the fallen nature of the world we live in: “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Listen to our Senior leader Joel Maillet open the scriptures in order to find the answers to this pressing issue. We will be considering the lives of many Godly people throughout the scriptures who suffered, while asking deeper questions on the subject of suffering such as: Who among us qualifies as “good”? Is our labeling of events as “bad things” accurate? Does God cause suffering? How does He use suffering? This teaching will correct the lens through which you see your trials!

We discuss:

  • How the concept of good and bad is distorted when viewed through human perspective.
  • That the Bible promises trials and hardships for believers, but they can be used for growth.
  • The life and role of John the Baptist, emphasizing his mission to prepare the way for Jesus and his humility in decreasing as Jesus increased.