Work, family, school, bills, doctor’s visits… do the pressures and demands of life have you feeling like a pot of boiling water? At any moment you might have to release some steam, so everyone better look out! You would have to live under a rock to avoid stress, but so many of us feel consumed and trapped by the pressures of life. Come with us to the scriptures to discover the secrets of overcoming stress, anxiety, pressure, and the impossible expectations the world places on us and we place upon ourselves!
In Matthew 11, Jesus commands us: “Take my yoke upon you…” A yoke is an instrument of work; it unites two laborers into the same task. Christ’s command to believers was not to just lay down and relax, but to get to work! And yet, so much of the stress and pressure we feel in life is related to work. Listen to our Senior Leader Joel Maillet consider this command as we find ways to “work with Jesus” by managing stress healthy ways, become His solutions to the world’s problems, and prevent the stress from getting into our souls, becoming anxiety, worry, fear, and dread.